Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Invention for Mankind. - "The Un-toaster"

 About five seconds ago I stumbled upon an idea that would inevitably change the world. This might be greater than the discovery of insulin. Many doctors tell us not to eat burnt food, for it can cause cancer in the future, and then other people like "environmentalists" tell us the smoke creates greenhouse gases. Then we are left with the problem of world hunger. So, you burn your toast in the morning, and immediately you are left with three "humanitarian points" against you. Not only have you increased the amount of green house gas, but if you eat it you can cause cancer, but if you don't eat it you might just increase world hunger. To solve this whole situation, I have invented "The Un-toaster". No, your toast will not travel back in time to the state it was before you toasted it. "The Un-toaster" has special rays that pass through the bread that will repair all the burnt stuff in the toast. "The Un-toaster" will just be the beginning. In ten years, we would like to have a machine that will un-burn skin. We are hoping that if enough people are in access of these machines, skin cancer will  be reduced. Now back to the start. "The Un-toaster" will not only un-burn your toast, it will un-burn any food you would like to consume that has been burnt. Our latest improvement is that we can un-cook your steak if it is too cooked. So now when you ever you stumble a piece of burnt toast, just whip out that "Un-toaster" and save the world!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Urban Dictionary describes a grandmother as,  "any kindly, sweet old woman who will happily boost your self-esteem and write you letters and love you. tends to know lots of neat old songs and obscure, off-color jokes. generally much cooler and less scary than one's actual mother," In my opinion and in Urban Dictionary's opinion, this is very true. But  just because Urban Dictionary says it, doesn't mean that it is true. There are also witch-like grandmothers, that smell like a dead mouse hidden in popery, and correct you with your grammar and making you sit up straight, when mean while their back is so crooked, that they can't even correct their own posture. Luckily, my grandmothers are up there with the best. My mom's mom is still alive and hoppin' along, baking scrunchies. Doing her thang. My other grandmother is not with me right now, but he memory will never be forgotten. She used to have a whole closet devoted to candy. (I'd like to think it was just for me, but I know better now). Grandmothers are sometimes so great that they adopt other children as their grandchildren. For example, my friend's grandparents may as well be mine, because they almost treat us the same. Grandmothers (the better ones) always have the power to make you feel like everything is okay, even when they are, they just make it better. By doing small things they can make everything better. Small things include things like, making your favourite dinner, making a funny 'old lady joke', making you a tea and sandwich for lunch, and watching your grandmother's favourite soap opera together. Grandmother's can also get away with doing things, that your mom just could never get away with. This would be like putting butter in your sandwich. Your grandma will always get off the hook, but your mother would never hear the end of it. Grandmothers are so great that there is a whole group of them trying to change Africa. If I am half the people my grandmothers were/are, I know that I would be a great person.