Monday, September 20, 2010

Historical Movement

In my opinion, and in many other's the world isn't perfect. Everywhere in the world there are a lot of atrocious events that need to be dealt with. With the help of groups like Red Cross, many NGOs and selfless acts of some people we can succeed through the big struggle, and get back to 'normal'. Even though these events may take lives of someone's sibling, parent, or beloved friend, these events may also lead us to new discoveries, and by giving up some of our time or giving some pocket change, can possibly help change the world. I think that many people are who they are becuase of great events. For example, the Titanic. If the Titanic didn't happen, we probably wouldn't have made new technology to improve boats. Without the Titanic there might've been no Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. Even though this is a small example, the world is the world today because of these events. Its like a domino effect. If you take out a domino, who knows what will happen. Will the world take a whole new direction? Would you have even been born?

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